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Certified Destruction
Serial-Level Reconciliation
Receiving verification represents the end of chain-of-custody from your locations to Sprout's. Before opening the truck doors, Sprout will upload visual confirmation of the van trailer's intact & original seal to your portal. Then, during the unloading of the truck, our technicians will perform a 5-point inspection of each pallet, checking for any visible signs of tampering. Should there be any signs of tampering, all pallets on the shipment will be quarantined while your account manager escalates the information to you through the proper channels.
Once each pallet has been physically unloaded and successfully reconciled to your packing list, Sprout technicians will dive one level deeper. With a copy of your serialized equipment list, we scan each asset and compare it to each serial on your equipment list. Any and all inconsistencies will be escalated to you through your account manager so that your inventory management system is never inaccurate and your organization's security procedures are always followed.
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